Pay-What-You-Can Webinars

Because we had a massively popular response to our PWYC webinars last year, we are bringing them back with even more! 
We want to get the best education, that's evidence based and focused in critical evaluation of the status-quo, to as many of you as possible. And the best bit? You can pay what you are able to pay. No questions asked.

  • each webinar is 2.5-3 hours long
  • be ready for lots of detail & content!
  • slides will be sent afterwards
  • live attendance and participation is encouraged & recommended

Register for webinars here.

More for Senior Dogs, Not Less: canine aging & supporting senior dogs, and their humans

Wednesday 31st July at 7.00pm

Maximising healthy aging in dogs is not just good for dogs, but also contributes to improved quality of life for their humans. Anticipatory grief is real and difficult to avoid; here we will concentrate on the things we can do. Our dogs are here for a good time, not for a long time. Let’s make it a GOOD time!

Join Anne from AniEd for an in-depth look at canine aging without pathologising aging or aging them through our attitudes toward senior dogs. We will focus on constructive approaches to supporting our seniors, considering what we can do to make their lives even better and celebrating them and their awesomeness! 

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of: 

  • canine aging and its effects
  • calculating chronological & biological age
  • recognising behavioural indicators of age-related cognitive changes
  • supports for guardians of aging dogs

  • adapting our approach to teaching aging dogs 
  • behaviour supports for seniors
  • maintaining & improving QoL for senior dogs

Beyond Food Toys: what is enrichment...really?

Sunday 18th August at 3pm
We’ve all heard of enrichment and we hope to provide our dogs with an enriched life & world. But! What is enrichment and how do we know that what we are doing is really enriching? Like any popular concept, the meaning and application can become lost. It's sometimes easier to describe what enrichment is not, but in this webinar we will look at what enrichment is and what it's not, despite popular notions. 

Join Anne from AniEd for an evidence-based review of all things canine-enrichment!

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of:

  • defining enrichment
  • behavioural needs
  • recognising individual needs
  • making observations & collecting data

  • enrichment must be enriching
  • meeting dogs' needs through an enrichment lens
  • adding, adjusting, refining existing interventions
  • developing enrichment programs

Thinks Enrichment...for Puppies! 
Monday 26th August at 7pm
Join Anne from AniEd for a close look at adopting an enrichment model for appropriate social & environmental exposure for puppies to support behaviourally healthy development. Forget about traditional & even modern ideas of “socialisation”, let’s do the best for puppies! Think enrichment!

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of:

  • recognise the importance of early & appropriate social & environmental exposure for puppies
  • the evidence, and lack there of, for various approaches to supporting behavioural development
  • focus on the relevance of puppy’s experiences and providing for their needs
  • consider reducing contrived interventions where possible

  • recognise resilience as an outcome, & its relation to enrichment
  • develop an understanding of sensitivity periods & behavioural markers
  • define enrichment and apply this approach to appropriate early social & environmental exposure for puppies
  • design enrichment-based puppy plans

What's breed got to do with it?

Sunday 15th September at 3pm
Continuing our enrichment theme, we ask, do different breeds have different behavioural needs? And if so, how do we meet them? But first we must understand interplay between genetics, breeds, types & behaviours. Join Anne from AniEd for this deep dive into breeds & needs, and be ready to challenge how we approach these sometimes difficult questions. 

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of: 

  • what is a breed? what is a mixed breed?
  • how do genetics impact behaviour?
  • can breed & morphological characteristics predict behaviour?
  • can we use breed, or presumed breed, to make predictions about "breed typical behaviours"?
  • do breeds have specific behavioural needs?

Canine Sleep & Sleeping Behaviours

Sunday 22nd September at 3pm

Good sleep is central to good welfare, and an enriched life. Yet we know little about canine sleep. Join Anne from AniEd for a comprehensive covering of the biology and behavioural elements of canine sleep & how we can improve canine sleep and welfare.

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of:  

  • the biology of canine sleep
  • recognise similarities between human & canine sleep
  • importance of good sleep
  • biological, environmental, psychosocial, behavioural and medical factors affecting sleep

  • distinguish normal sleep behaviour from sleep disorder
  • understand approaches to helping with sleep related behaviours of concern
  • improving canine sleep from behavioural perspective

Reality Bites: a compassionate exploration of behavioural euthanasia
Monday 14th October at 7pm

Join Anne from AniEd for a compassionate, safe & sympathetic exploration of this challenging topic. This is about supporting professionals, particularly, in their work supporting animal guardians when faced with this most challenging of decisions.

Outcomes of this webinar include (but may evolve according to attendees' participation) increasing awareness and understanding of:  

  • compassionate exploration of a challenging topic
  • how should euthanasia be defined?
  • is behavioural euthanasia (BE) different?
  • rate of BE
  • the roles of training/behaviour professionals & advisors in BE
  • decision making frameworks
  • ethical, quality of life & risk assessments

  • developing BE procedures of guidance and support
  • counselling BE
  • the euthanasia procedure
  • collaborating with the vet-team & guardians
  • helping bereaved guardians
  • looking after yourself